How to Lose Weight

Diet & Weight Loss Tips

Attempting to lose weight is seen by most people as a period of starvation and restriction. In fact, it shouldn’t be like this at all. Weight loss should be done naturally and gradually so that it ensures that you will be able to maintain your ideal weight. Although you might have the impression that dieting means eating foods you don’t enjoy, there are plenty healthy low calorie recipes that you can try – Weight loss recipes can be fun to make and delicious to eat.


There is no point in starving for a while and then get back to your old unhealthy eating habits because you will only worsen your weight problem. A change in your lifestyle and in the way you eat is going to provide long term benefits. Although you might have the impression that dieting means eating foods you don’t enjoy, there are plenty healthy low calorie recipes that you can try. You will be amazed to realize that weight loss recipes can be fun to make and delicious.

Some Tips

  • Most of us don’t include as many fresh fruits and vegetables as we should in our daily diet. Use your imagination to create all sorts of salads. The more fruit or vegetables you use, the better.
  • Combine green vegetables, like spinach or broccoli, with more colourful ones like peppers and, besides being delicious, your salad will also look great.
  • Avoid high calorie sauces or mayonnaise and go for simple light ones. Use yoghurt instead of cream and also try salsas. They are a wonderful with a combination of vegetables and will add a more savoury flavour to your meals. The same can be done with fruit. A colourful fruit salad is one of the most attractive healthy low calorie recipes.
  • Don’t imagine that the only weight loss recipes are salads. You can also prepare delicious meals using meat – just remember that lean meat is recommended. You can easily cook appetizing foods using chicken, turkey or fish.