How to Lose Weight

Lose Weight & Eat Well

If you have found that the weight has gradually crept up on you and you have decided it is time to cut back on some of the calories and adopt a healthier lifestyle, it is worth remembering that when we’re trying to burn fat and lose weight we’re going to have to eat less food then we would normally consume to maintain our weight. It is important that you enjoy your food so try adding foods with different textures, colours and flavours so you can reduce your cravings and eat a healthy diet.

Quick Weight Loss Tips


Healthy Eating


To lose weight easily and successfully, proper eating habits and exercises are important.

  • Keep a food diary, write down what you’re eating and when.
  • Learn how to replace emotional eating with other activities like walking or taking a hot bath.
  • Add foods like watermelon, salad or soups to help you to feel more satisfied on few calories.
  • Add exercise, 30 minutes walking or jogging will burn calories and reduce body fat.
  • Eating more foods rich in fibre will help you to lose weight.