How to Lose Weight

Swim & Lose Weight

If there’s a total body workout that’s easy on your joints but aggressive on your stubborn fat, swimming is it. Swimming helps you to lose weight, burn calories and puts little stress on your body. Swimming works all the major muscles, and will tone you up and slim you down!



  • Swimming burns calories, so helps you lose weight and swimming for weight loss has been regularly praised for its cardiovascular health benefits, especially for older people.
  • As swimming uses so many muscles in your body, your heart and lungs must work hard to supply them all with oxygen. This means that swimming will give your cardiovascular system an excellent workout.
  • Any exercise that makes you breathe a little heavier is good because it means your body is working hard! As your heart and lungs get stronger you will be able to go for longer before you get tired, your resting heart rate will decrease and blood pressure will lower.
  • Regular swimming when losing weight will improve your health and may reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke.

Whatever level you choose, swimming is good for you and it’s never too late to learn or improve your swimming skills. This relaxing form of exercise means that weight lost by swimming is fun too!