
Why Is Sunscreen So Important?

Protecting your skin against the harmful effects of the sun is a basic yet vital step to keep your skin looking young and flawless. The key to an effective sunscreen is that is has an SPF of at least 15 and contains broad spectrum / UVA protection. But how do you choose the right one for you?

Why Is Sunscreen Important?


Choosing The Right Sunscreen

This video tells you about the various different types of sunscreens, including how to choose the right products to suit your skin type, as well as tips on effective application and usage.


  • Sunscreen lotions – It’s much easier, faster and more economical to apply a lotion all over your body.
    Lotions can also have moisturisers, so you get both sun protection and a moisturiser from one product.
  • Sprays – Sprays are popular because of their convenience, ease of use and their almost invisible finish – you can’t see them and can barely feel them.
    However, because you can’t see or feel them, you don’t know whether you’ve missed parts of your skin, especially areas on your back and the sides of your body.
  • Cream sunscreens are richer and more emollient than lotions and are very popular for the face, but because they are not as easy to spread over large areas, they’re not suitable for the body.
    But they are a great way to get extra moisturization and sun protection for your face at the same time.
  • Sunscreen gels are useful for your face if you have oily, acne prone or combination skin since they are very light weight, finish invisibly so you can’t feel them, and won’t clog pores or cause breakouts in acne prone skin on your face, back or chest.